Monday, August 27, 2012


In the midst of this 2 week break even stretch, which has had it's share of ups & downs, I need to reiterate some basic lessons to myself.  Listening to different sessions on I've realized it all comes down to this:

1)Control tilt
2)Play your "A" game
3)It's all one long game
4)Let the game come to you (don't force things)

Thank you John Kim & Nick DiVella for the insight & reminders.  Now if I can just remember these things.  I may write them down on a note pad & take it with me to the table to remind me.


  1. I may write them down on a note pad & take it with me to the table to remind me.

    Yes, we know what to do, but still sometimes don't do it.

  2. You have a smart phone? Book mark this post and pull it out every hour

  3. Ahem 5 weeks without a post??? This simply will not do. :-)
